Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect: Top Signs You Should Observe
Placing your loved one in a nursing home is one way to ensure they are being taken care of and kept safe. However, this is not always the case. Unfortunately, abuse and neglect are not uncommon in nursing homes. If you suspect your loved one is a victim of abuse or neglect in their nursing home, you must take immediate action.
Sadly, nursing home patients often conceal information about abuse because they fear what would happen if they reported it. That’s why it’s important to remember that abuse happens in various forms and is not always easy to spot.
Here are some top signs of nursing home abuse and neglect that you should watch out for:
1. Unusual Mood or Behavioral Changes
If you spot any sudden changes in your loved one’s mood or behavior, it could be a sign of abuse. They may become more withdrawn and quiet or more agitated and moody. They may also become more clingy or have more mood swings than usual. Any of these changes could be a sign that something is wrong.
2. Unexplained Bruising or Injuries
If you see any injury on your loved one, it’s important to ask questions and understand what happened. If the caregiver is unwilling to explain, this could be a sign of abuse.
3. Weight Loss or Malnutrition
If your loved one has abruptly lost weight or seems undernourished, it can indicate that they are not being adequately fed. Dehydration is one of the numerous health issues that can result from malnutrition.
4. Poor Hygiene or Unsanitary Conditions
If you’ve noticed that your loved one’s nursing home isn’t as clean as it should be, or if their clothing or bedding is often soiled, this could be a sign of neglect. Poor hygiene can lead to several health problems, including infection, so taking action is important if you suspect your loved one isn’t properly cared for.
5. Isolation from Friends and Family
If your loved one is suddenly isolated from friends and family, this could be a sign of abuse. Isolation can be used as a form of control, making it more difficult for the victim to get help.
Should You Work with a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?
When a loved one is a victim of abuse or neglect, it can be a difficult and stressful time. You may wonder how you will pay for their medical expenses and other damages, and you may be troubled about how their circumstances will affect their quality of life.
Employing a nursing home abuse lawyer in this circumstance may assist you in finding the proof you need to support your claim and obtain the money you require to cover any medical costs and other damages your loved one has sustained.
Final Thoughts
Nursing home abuse and neglect are significant issues that you should not ignore. You can observe many signs to determine if a loved one is abused or neglected in a nursing home. To ensure your loved one is safe, you must act if you see any of these symptoms and get in touch with the appropriate authorities
Circeo Law Firm is the right place to go if you’re looking for a reliable and exceptional nursing home abuse lawyer in Kentucky for your needs. Set a consultation with us today so we can discuss your case.